Wednesday 11 July 2018

Success Stories

Success Stories

Noor Azwani Asyikin binti Samad
Master in Office System Management

As a Fulltime worker and a Part Time student, it is not an easy work to do. When I already make a decision to work and to study at the same time, of course I had to face the real supermassive and miserable life. The first thing I do after I had make a big decision is I have set in my mind that I only suffer for this two (2) years and I must go for it and work for it to get the GOT (Graduate On Time) status. Without family support, I’m nothing. So, my family support is very important to encourage me to strive for my success. Friends and Lecturers also very important elements in my journey because they support and guide me to the right path and focus to achieve my dreams. As a Muslim, I also strongly believe in faith and my responsibilities towards the Almighty must be considered in order to achieve success. If someone asked me what’s my recipe for success, it’s definitely committed and focus. Throughout my life, I live by these inspirational quote, “You’ll never know until you try. So, just do it with focus and commit.” Insha Allah, everything will fine. 

Kudos to Faculties

The postgraduate program offered, Master in Office Systems Management at Faculty of Business Management is created for students who are passionate and interested about Office Systems and Technology which is very relevant to the industry. Moreover, in the Digital Era and Industry Revolution (IR) 4.0, knowledge and skills that have been teaches in this program is very useful and very related to the industry. The program will make you change your mind and overview about the important of technology to make you become an efficient and excellent worker in future. The outstanding and well experienced lecturer, plus the relevant syllabus will 100% can teach you and guide you till the end of the ‘tunnel’ in the journey.    

Bravo to IGS (IPSis)

I would like to thank IPSis for their precious help during this magnificent journey. As a medium element, IPSis did a countless job in becoming an effective platform and ground for postgraduate study. In this sense, IPSis had always tried their best in assisting me through the guidelines provided. IPSis also guide the students in fulfilling their requirements on a daily basis while maintaining full integrity and ethics in doing so. IPSis has competent, responsible and professional staff. Therefore, IPSis has definitely succeeded in its role and objective to bridge the ocean of knowledge for postgraduate candidates in achieving their success.




Awan Hitam

Awan Hitam Bosan... Bila nak balik nie... Penat melayan kerenah manusia... Topeng berlapis-lapis Sampai lupa wajah sebenar yang mana Benci.....