Monday 29 April 2019

Breaking The Ice...Inside of ME, mySELF

9.04 pagi...lokasi di Opis Aku...

Deringan telefon non-stop ringing...but nobody border to pick-up the phone call. Haha...Mybe still early in the morning. So that, the Mood not coming yet...I don't care, because not my phone that ringing. Hahaha...If my phone, Yes...I will answer before the 3rd ringing. That's the philosophy. 

What should I do today? I don't know. OMG, my BIG BOSS just says Hi to me just now...Hahaha...I know, yesterday I was on LEaVE. So, today I just came back to work. Hihihi...Is he missed me? hahaha...I don't think so...He likes to take the long way to go to the pantry. He can take the other way, that near his room to go to the pantry. But he likes to walk near my partition and look at me (maybe) and other staffs too...Just counter check whether I'm doing my work or not. Just the reaction of the boss checking their staffs. Hihihi...

Actually, my spirit still missing. I don't know how to gain back my spirit. is very difficult to work if the soul of joy to doing the job is missing. I think I really need the Vita-SEA. Almost 2 years I didn't go anywhere to release my stress and give a great medicine to my soul and spirit. That's why I am what I am right now. 

I need Vita-SEA...I need Vita-SEA...I need Vita- SEA...




I need Vita-SEA...I need Vita-SEA...I need Vita- SEA...



S.O.S whom actually I send the emergency S.O.S??? I know, nobody will come and save me la...I'm the only ONE can save my OWN life...nobody will come...yes...nobody...I'm all alone...people always say that I'm Lone Ranger...Yes, I am...hihihi...and I don't mind people think like that and say like that to me...The most important is...I still love mySELF...Love yourSELF first before you love others.

I'm hungry...but I'm not that hungry...

I want to eat...but I don't know what to eat...

I'm waiting for RAMADHAN to come...Yes, Ramadhan just in the corner...Please don't shy shy and come fast...because I really MISS you RAMADHAN...I need you...I miss You coz I LOVE you Ramadhan...#fulloflovewithRAMADHAN

I really don't like people talk about Syawal yet. Ramadhan belum datang pun...Ramadhan belum ketuk pintu pun lagi...Tapi, manusia-manusia nie begitu sibuk berborak, berbincang dan planning untuk sambut Syawal. I really don't understand them at ALL. Apa yang dorang fikir sebenarnya? Kecik hati Ramadhan bile dia dapat tahu, bukan dia yang ditunggu dan dinanti...Tapi Syawal yang mereka ingin raikan. Aduhai...manusia..manusia...Wake-up ok...wake-up...we must celebrate RAMADHAN not SYAWAL...

Ada satu iklan artis dah wish Selamat Hari Raya. What the heck is she doing? Stupid...hahaha...Next time, simpan skit your stupidity to your own self. Tak payah nk tunjuk-tunjuk kat orang lain. Hmmmmm...

Me...myself is very easy to get this annoying feeling when it involved with these matters. I don't why. But for me as a Muslim Citizen...we must have our ADAB to celebrate something that involved with islamic part. Don't main langgar sahaja. Macam tue gak mcm sekarang nie...sebelum Syawal datang...Ramadhan dulu kan? So, celebrate la Ramadhan dulu...jangan nk skip Ramadhan dan nk celebrate Syawal pulak. Adoi...nape aku emotional sgt nie...Hahaha...vengong betul...hihihi...

Dah la...stop dulu...nanti free free aku sambung lagi...


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Awan Hitam

Awan Hitam Bosan... Bila nak balik nie... Penat melayan kerenah manusia... Topeng berlapis-lapis Sampai lupa wajah sebenar yang mana Benci.....